Human Landscape
A symbol of the American dream, the road trip has been celebrated by countless poets, singers, and directors over the decades.
It is also the inspiration behind American Portraits, a communication campaign shot by British photographer James Mollison on behalf of FGF Industry. The artist turned a van into a travelling photo studio and hit the road to showcase Blauer’s collections. From the Chihuahuan Desert to the lakes of Michigan, from the
panoramic byways of Colorado to the beaches of California, Mollison embarked on an initiation journey, searching for the authentic spirit of America in the faces of its citizens.
Today, the trip continues with Human Landscapes, an exhibition commissioned by FGF Industry and curated by Felice Limosani, which uses original content from the campaign to trace a new path.
Felice Limosani’s work brings together technology and the humanities, to break down the boundaries between art and design, culture and communication, experience and entertainment. He has produced art installations, designed immersive environments (both real and virtual) and curated experiential exhibitions. He sits on the scientific committee of the Fondazione Matera, 2019 European Capital of Culture.